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The Queen City Derby Party (QCDP) is a day party centered on the running of the Kentucky Derby. The inaugural party took place in 2016, and immediately became Cincinnati’s premier Kentucky Derby watch experience. It is a unique spectacle that brings together a diverse mix of patrons from around the Midwest region who want to raise money for charity while enjoying a festive perspective on the traditions of the race.


The Kentucky Derby is known as the “Greatest Two Minutes in Sports”, but it is so much more than a horse race. It is a week filled with unparalleled traditions, parties, elegance, and fun. QCDP honors the energy and essence of the long-standing traditions of the Kentucky Derby.


QCDP captures a mix of southern etiquette and Cincinnati sassiness. Whether it’s our live band playing vibrant tunes before the race begins, or the energetic sounds of our terrific DJ keeping the party going after the race, there will be something to create a memorable experience for everyone. You can expect to view racing on three 100” screens, spectacular fashion, bright colors, the Oliva Cigar Lounge, derby-themed cocktails, hyper-networking, a dance party, and many other race-centric elements. 


The Delta Gamma Lambda Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that focuses exclusively on education and youth development through the following programs: Alpha Esquire Youth Group, College Scholarships, Go-To-High School Go-To-College, Project Alpha and African American Quiz Bowl.


ALPHA ESQUIRE YOUTH GROUP. A rites of passage program that prepares young men ages 10-18 for manhood by implementing workshops on Conflict Resolution, Goal Setting, Etiquette, Career Planning and Study Habits. The program culminates with the annual Theodore M. Berry Scholarship Beautillion 


COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS. Awarded annually to high school seniors, who have distinguished themselves through scholastic achievement and extra-curricular leadership. 


GO-TO-HIGH SCHOOL, GO-TO-COLLEGE. An annual workshop which encourages young people to excel in elementary and middle school to prepare themselves for success in high school with the intent of increasing their ability to attend college.


PROJECT ALPHA. A March of Dimes supported teenage pregnancy prevention program with specific focus on the responsibilities of young minority males. 


AFRICAN AMERICAN QUIZ BOWL. Teams of youth, ages 9-13 and 14-18, compete for prizes and honor by answering questions about African American history. 

The Delta Gamma Lambda Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that focuses exclusively on education and youth development through the following programs: Alpha Esquire Youth Group, College Scholarships, Go-To-High School Go-To-College, Project Alpha and African American Quiz Bowl.


ALPHA ESQUIRE YOUTH GROUP. A rites of passage program that prepares young men ages 10-18 for manhood by implementing workshops on Conflict Resolution, Goal Setting, Etiquette, Career Planning and Study Habits. The program culminates with the annual Theodore M. Berry Scholarship Beautillion 


COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS. Awarded annually to high school seniors, who have distinguished themselves through scholastic achievement and extra-curricular leadership. 


GO-TO-HIGH SCHOOL, GO-TO-COLLEGE. An annual workshop which encourages young people to excel in elementary and middle school to prepare themselves for success in high school with the intent of increasing their ability to attend college.


PROJECT ALPHA. A March of Dimes supported teenage pregnancy prevention program with specific focus on the responsibilities of young minority males. 


AFRICAN AMERICAN QUIZ BOWL. Teams of youth, ages 9-13 and 14-18, compete for prizes and honor by answering questions about African American history. 


Alpha Phi Alpha, the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American Men, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of brotherhood among African descendants in this country. The visionary founders, known as the “Jewels” of the fraternity, are Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy.


The fraternity initially served as a study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice, both educationally and socially, at Cornell. The Jewel founders and early leaders of the fraternity succeeded in laying a firm foundation for Alpha Phi Alpha's principles of scholarship, fellowship, good character, and the uplifting of humanity.


Alpha Phi Alpha chapters were established at other colleges and universities, many of them historically black institutions, soon after the founding at Cornell. The first alumni chapter was established in 1911. While continuing to stress academic excellence among its members, Alpha also recognized the need to help correct the educational, economic, political, and social injustices faced by African Americans. Alpha Phi Alpha has long stood at the forefront of the African-American community's fight for civil rights through leaders such as W.E.B. DuBois, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Edward Brooke, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Andrew Young, William Gray, Paul Robeson, and many others. True to its form as the “first of firsts,” Alpha Phi Alpha has been interracial since 1945.


Since its founding on December 4, 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has supplied voice and vision to the struggle of African Americans and people of color around the world.


Delta Gamma Lambda Chapter


Delta Gamma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was chartered on December 20, 1947. The chapter serves the greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. We provide mentorship to (4) college chapters, Alpha Alpha chapter seated at the University of Cincinnati, Sigma Gamma chapter seated at Xavier University, Delta Upsilon chapter seated at Miami University and Rho Gamma chapter seated at Northern Kentucky University. The chapter has many accomplishments since its inception. The chapter has partnered with the March of Dimes, The Boy Scouts of America, Planned Parenthood, Big Brother/Big Sisters and others in serving the community.

Queen City Derby Party.  


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